We have many small men bible study groups. We also have ladies bible study groups. We share our prayer requests, Praises, our weaknesses, our strengths, we hold each other accountable for studying to be more like Christ, scripture memorization, attendance, ect...
It is hands down the best program I have ever been involved in. We have some in our group from another Church, and some that bring a visitor once in awhile. It is a great time to show others that a group of men can, and will, take time out of their lives to learn and become more like Christ and have a lot of fun and laughs along with the serious times while doing so.
Right now we are studying (we just did chapter 1) the book "Sacred Marriage" by G
The last part of the caption at the top of the front cover completely covers the culture of today.
We are to focused on our feelings first and God second it seems. The caption reads "What if God designed marriage to make us Holy more than to make us Happy?" note: I added the italics.
The book looks at how we can use the challenges, joys, struggles, and celebrations of marriage to draw closer to God and to grow in Christian character.
One thing that really stood out to me was where Gary wrote "If I really wanted to see God transform me from the inside out, I'd need to concentrate on changing myself rather than changing my spouse. This plays so much into our carnal nature and attitude of "I want it my way or else". I see it all the time in the work place when I listen to guys or ladies talk about how they can't stand a certain issue about their spouse. The question I have to ask them is, What are you doing to make it easy for them to change? or, What are you doing to just accept them and how they are and move on to a mature love that looks beyond trivial things rather than just the romantic love that runs on our feelings? I think it would benefit us all if when we are upset about something our spouse has done, we would stop and ask ourselves those two questions along with What did I do to possibly spark the situation? or, Could I have been more aware of my spouses feelings and expectations so that I could have defused the event before it happened?
Would anyone like for me to brief the chapter each week. We are doing one chapter a week in the Point Man group.